Daily Capricorn Horoscope March 29 (29/03)


Dec 22 − Jan 19

Alias: Alias: The Goat

March 29


daily capricorn horoscope:

summary capricorn daily

Star 10/10

If problems appear to be arising where communication with certain others is concerned, then it might have more do to with conflicting priorities than an inability on their part to listen to what youre trying to say or convey. What you might deem to be essential, others might see as unimportant. You can get what you want but being seen to offer a solution rather than a demand is a good place to start.


summary capricorn tomorrow

Star 9/10

Where a home or family issue concerned, your keenness to ensure a plan goes swimmingly or no hiccups arise could cause you to involve yourself in ways you shouldnt have to. Do you not trust others to do as they say theyll do or organize for themselves what you seem so intent on organizing for them? Trust that those closest to you have all they need to do what you need them to do. They wont let you down.


summary capricorn weekly

Star 9/10

This week, push could come to shove in some way. Jupiters involvement implies this could be connected with your career, too. Where you might have managed to turn a blind eye toward or shrug off something that touched a sensitive nerve within you, you might not be able to continue to suffer in silence. Are you overreacting to a minor annoyance? Its possible, so be prepared to have that made clear to you. Just deal with whatever-it-is sensitively and all will be fine.


summary capricorn monthly

Star 8/10

With plenty of cosmic activity occurring in your solar sector of domesticity, many Sea Goats could experience change within their family circle or abode. With impatient and impetuous Aries hosting this activity, be aware of whats within your ability to make happen instantly and how time and patience will be needed in other ways. Only pursue decisions or options that feel right and pay close attention to your inner voice if its demanding attention. Workplace tension on the 30th could result in fingers of blame being pointed your direction. Stand your ground wherever possible.


health capricorn daily

Star 8/10

You are very sensitive to the plight of the earth as it undergoes destruction in many places. Support your own inner peace through the calming practice of meditation (a long walk can be a meditation, too) or gentle exercise. If you are feeling susceptible to illness, use preventive herbal remedies such as goldenseal, echinacea and astragalus, all easily found in your local health food store. To calm the pineal gland, our bodies\ most attuned psychic organ, the fruit of the papaya is recommended.


health capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

Your concern for others brings you closer and closer to the feeling that you need the same kind of concern for yourself. Marchbe it will mean getting hurt a few times before you learn that setting boundaries is useful for you. Start paying attention to your boundaries through following a more organized health regimen. Taking care of yourself sends out messages to others that they must take care with you. Also, remember that drinking enough water and other fluids is critical to maintaining healthy blood circulation.


health capricorn weekly

Star 8/10

It\s time to give your mind a rest and wind down a little. By calming your thoughts, your body will automatically relax. If you can extend this to a few periods of meditation, your body will benefit from the deep rest that results. Remember to keep your immune system intact by taking vitamins and minerals, too.


health capricorn monthly

Star 7/10

Finding a way to channel pent-up energy can be important over the weeks ahead, especially as you may tend to hold back your feelings. Long walks or hikes, competitive sports, and other energetic activities can help balance you out and leave you feeling much more relaxed. Another key influence hints that taking time out for yourself for fun and recreation can also boost your mood. It\s impossible to keep working and, as a Capricorn, you tend to be a workaholic. Let yourself unwind. This can be one of the best things you do for your health this month. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now


love capricorn daily

Star 7/10

Life is a little odd today. You have to hold on and not allow any surprises to throw you off. You need to maintain that cool, calm, and detached image that you have so successfully cultured. Others are looking for expressions of shock - don\t give them that satisfaction. Smile, even if you feel anything but happy.


love capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

Watch out that your tendency to seek imperfection in order to correct it doesn\t get you into trouble. The movement of the planets means that you may take this process one step too far, and accuse someone very dear to you of a deed that they would never ever think of committing. Before you point the finger, make sure you understand the true impact of your words.


love capricorn weekly

Star 7/10

You\ve been headed straight toward love town, but something happens at the start of the week to throw you totally off course. Not one to be detoured, you\ll return more determined than ever. You can make small talk like the best of them, but you aren\t interested in doing it over the weekend. The way you see it, flirting is just a waste of time. You want answers and you want them now.


love capricorn monthly

Star 7/10

A Sun/Mercury conjunction on March 6 improves communication and your odds with someone new. If you use subtlety as a flirting tactic, this aspect helps you amp up your game and get better results. You want to let your guard down as Mercury joins retrograde Venus on March 18, but you can\t help remembering times you\ve been burned in the past. You have to get back up on the horse that threw you at some point. An Aries New Moon on March 26 finally gives you the courage to go after what you truly want. Your enthusiasm speaks for itself. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now


career capricorn daily

Star 7/10

Someone\s erratic, unpredictable movements are making it hard for you to know how to proceed with the greatest efficiency. It would be easy if people were logical and trustworthy, but this is not the case. Be patient and roll with the punches.


career capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

Be open to other people\s ideas, even if they don\t necessarily match up with your own. Integration with others is easier than doing battle with others. Take this concept to heart regardless of whom you are dealing with. It will serve you well.


career capricorn weekly

Star 8/10

You have a powerful ability to understand what\s going on under the surface in any group setting. Understanding the motives of others will help identify the root of some longstanding problems. Events require a slow and careful approach. Don\t neglect important details, even if it takes extra time. You may need a fearless attitude to get past apparent roadblocks. It may mean standing up to a superior if you know you\re right.


career capricorn monthly

Star 10/10

The first half of the month could be challenging due to an anxious Full Moon on March 12. It may be impossible to meet the demands of a client with special needs. Instead of pretending to have advanced knowledge of a subject, ask for help. Hiring a consultant might be the only way to successfully finish this task. Instead of begrudging the expert their fee, think about hiring them full time. The final days of March will prompt you to begin a labor of love. Venturing into an emerging field will be rewarding. Prepare to lay aside your assumptions for the sake of learning a different skill set. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now



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