
Showing posts from March, 2021

Daily Capricorn Horoscope March 29 (29/03)

Capricorn Dec 22 − Jan 19 Alias: Alias: The Goat March 29 (29/03) daily capricorn horoscope: summary capricorn daily Star 10/10 If problems appear to be arising where communication with certain others is concerned, then it might have more do to with conflicting priorities than an inability on their part to listen to what youre trying to say or convey. What you might deem to be essential, others might see as unimportant. You can get what you want but being seen to offer a solution rather than a demand is a good place to start. Read more... summary capricorn tomorrow Star 9/10 Where a home or family issue concerned, your keenness to ensure a plan goes swimmingly or no hiccups arise could cause you to involve yourself in ways you shouldnt have to. Do you not trust others to do as th...

Brøther, may I have some pöllen *buzz buzz*

Brøther, may I have some pöllen *buzz buzz* funny 157 Likes 19 Comments Crystal Huey Aabroo Fatima Me too Alfonso Lopez Jr Eclipse Oya Vault Did someone say Polen? Chris Anglin I FUCKING HATE POLLEN I AM SO ALLERGIC TO IT I CAN BARELY GO OUTSIDE DURING MAY thankfully ...

Daily Gemini Horoscope March 28 (28/03)

Gemini May 21 − Jun 21 Alias: Alias: The Twins March 28 (28/03) daily gemini horoscope: summary gemini daily Star 10/10 What you might be convinced is a fact might be an assumption, so bear this in mind before you throw yourself into a project or plan. You might believe you have every base covered or are seeing the reality of a situation or arrangement but its possible youre filling in gaps with flimsy information. Wait until an assumption is confirmed as a fact and a bit more information needs to find you for this to happen. Read more... summary gemini tomorrow Star 7/10 Conveying yourself passionately could be done easily but you risk laboring a point you should accept has been understood by whoever youre focusing communicative efforts toward. If you sense frustration is creepi...