Daily Cancer Horoscope February 01 (01/02)
Jun 22 − July 22
Alias: Alias: The Crab
February 01
daily cancer horoscope:
daily cancer horoscope:
Star 9/10
Trying to get an accurate overview of a particular situation without essential, key information has likely proved tricky recently but it appears youre gaining helpful and necessary insight into what has confused you. This process of enlightenment might be taking longer than you wish it was but a good reason exists regarding why its not immediate. To know where you stand in some way will dictate what your next move must be and thats what the cosmos is assisting with now.
Read more...Star 7/10
You could be helped in more than one way to assess what youre inclined to take too seriously and adopting a more lighthearted approach to what you believe needs particular levels of strictness and diligence applied could prove helpful. How often do you allow yourself to be guided by your imagination and fantasies? Sometimes, allowing both to have certain levels of freedom can help to revive our mojo and now could be such a time for you.
Read more...Star 8/10
Mercury in your opposite sign links wth Uranus in your sector of public image and status. This suggests you dont want to lose face where a certain drama is concerned. To fix what needs fixing will require you to gain better understanding of why a situation is what it is. You can bring an improvement to a tired saga provided you dont believe time isnt on your side to do so. As it becomes clear how supported you are, youll know precisely what needs doing.
Read more...Star 7/10
Mercurys direct motion in your relationship and commitment sector could help you to become clearer about whos truly worthy of your attention and affections. However, its the Full Moon in your sign on the 12th that turns the cosmic spotlight on you and allows you to make clear how youve been unappreciated or possibly unfulfilled, personally or professionally. Your voice can be heard but with emotions likely escalating, try not to overreact or overemphasize a point.
Read more...Star 9/10
Todays planetary transit requires you do some work youd rather not do. This feeling will follow you around for a couple of weeks, so you might as well roll up your sleeves and get into it! Your skin may reflect any stress you are feeling these days. Apart from really trying to get enough sleep and fresh air there are other things you can do to help ease the tension. If you shave or apply moisturizer to your face, add a drop of lavender oil to the soap or cream to calm your skin.
Read more...Star 8/10
Ask yourself what you need to feel really comfortable in your body. Do you need to be in better physical condition? Do you need to feel stronger, have more flexibility, feel lighter or heavier? The way we live inside our bodies has everything to do with how we treat others and how we let others treat us. Unless we exist in a physical reality to our liking, it is difficult to create the emotional reality that we desire.
Read more...Star 9/10
The cosmos is going to bring you many opportunities. You may have to deal with a few unexpected events in the meantime. If you feel overwhelmed by the pace, ease your schedule and get enough sleep. Relax as often as possible and give yourself a break from any stress.
Read more...Star 10/10
A desire to see positive transformation in your life could be the reason youre so eager to make key changes to your lifestyle and overall health. With a potent influence in your wellness zone for some time, you may have been eager to follow new and positive routines but at times resisted them. A current upbeat blend of energies can help you better understand your motives, and this in turn could enable you to push forward and see real progress. Reorganizing your home environment could also enable you to get into those new routines more easily.
Read more...Star 9/10
This is a wonderful day for all kinds of social arrangements and engagements. The days planetary energy encourages you to think about your partner (current or prospective), and about getting out of the house and meeting up with others. If you are going out on a date, it will be a really positive affair, with lots of chatting; but dont spoil it by talking too much and not listening enough.
Read more...Star 7/10
Romance is bound to be quite exciting right now. If you have been waiting to meet that special someone who will take your breath away, then you may not have to do anything today, as they could quite easily just appear before your eyes, like a bolt from the blue. There they are in front of you, the person of your dreams!
Read more...Star 8/10
You dont always love to be surprised, but there are good things in store for you at the start of the week. Just when you least expect it, a romantic gesture warms your heart and opens you up to a whole world of new possibilities. Theres a lot of romantic competition over the weekend, but you have many wonderful qualities to offer. Being true to yourself makes you a winner no matter what.
Read more...Star 10/10
Venus visits fellow Water Sign Pisces on February 3, and the result is a feeling of peace and well-being. Even if you arent with the person of your dreams, you have faith that he or she is out there. Theres a Full Moon in Cancer on February 12, but the Cardinal Grand Cross could complicate things. Take a break and regroup before setting out on your next romantic mission. The Aquarius New Moon on February 26 puts a friendly spin on your dating life, indicating good times ahead. Making small talk could lead to big things, so take the initiative and talk to a stranger.
Read more...Star 9/10
Long-term goals should not be ignored, so be careful of getting so caught up in the daily grind that you forget to look at the big picture. Use the power of the cosmos to take a step back and look at your situation. Both sides are illuminated now.
Read more...Star 7/10
Seek the truth before you proceed with any new work. In addition, it is extra important that you are honest with others. Any deception towards or from others is likely to backfire quite badly. Luck will come to you when you align with the truth.
Read more...Star 8/10
You can get frustrated with people who stubbornly refuse to do things according to established procedures. Theres an unsettled energy that encourages changing jobs or doing research for additional education or training. The time is lucky for making a good public impression. Youll be at your most diplomatic if you have to review anyones performance. Be as direct as possible. Misunderstandings are possible if you dont take the time to carefully explain things.
Read more...Star 7/10
The first half of February could find you juggling a variety of demanding tasks. If you dont pace yourself, you could burn out near February 12. Be ready to delegate tasks and trust others to do their jobs. This is not the time to micromanage. If you have an entry-level job and too much responsibility, speak up. Its important to establish healthy boundaries. Relief will come in the final days of the month. Be willing to take a newcomer under your wing. With a little luck, youll gain some valuable technical skills from this recruit. Sometimes students make the most valuable teachers.
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