Daily Aries Horoscope December 26 (26/12)
Mar 21 − Apr 19
Alias: Alias: The Ram
December 26
daily aries horoscope:
daily aries horoscope:
Star 8/10
Inspiration is always on offer, often hoping we will find it rather than it coming to us. When we feel demotivated or unenthused, we tend to struggle to find required levels of effort to uncover its hiding place. Where you might feel youre treading water in a particular area that doesnt seem to offer much in the way of motivation or inspiration, the cosmos appears keen to intervene. It knows precisely what you need to feel more of both and has a slightly late festive present to bring!
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We know the saying about judging books by covers. Long before graphic design became established, publishers were unconcerned about how a book should appear. Perhaps they thought that design that might appeal to one person might discourage another. In looking at what might appear uninspiring in an area of your world, theres something wonderful to be discovered if youre willing to look past its exterior. Try not to make an unfair and premature judgment.
Read more...Star 9/10
Some people always seems to have an axe to grind. They nurture grievances and are intent on seeking retribution or retaliation. Others manage to get what they want or need by conveying themselves in much calmer and sensitive ways. As Saturn trines Uranus this week, you could find progress is made so much easier by adopting a very calm and unselfish approach to what you want or need from a certain person. Youre likely to encounter little resistance if you do.
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In some ways, the saying, its not what you say, its the way you say it that counts is relevant. Yet, with so much emphasis on communication during December, you cant rely on enthusiasm alone to convey your points. There needs to be substance to your message or whatever suggestions or proposals you find yourself embroiled in during coming weeks. You have more than one point that needs made and, during December, you can expect to be listened to.
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Today s astral energy enhances your natural sense of groundedness. The neck, throat and thyroid gland are special areas of the body that you need to take especially good care of. The thyroid governs our weight and physical mass. The regular exercise you do will assist the thyroid in protecting your body against irregular weight gain or loss. Pay special attention to your neck if you sit at a computer - be sure to stretch those muscles during the day.
Read more...Star 9/10
You can feel like the worlds most sensual person at times, and the planets support this kind of feeling. Let your emotions guide you in creating a wholly nurturing environment around yourself. Give yourself the right foods to feel your best, and respect your bodys need for physical exercise and adequate rest. If you tend to look after other peoples needs, use today to identify the things that you so often go without. Then fulfill your own needs first.
Read more...Star 7/10
Your urge to improve your quality of life and health is admirable. Use this added motivation to help you soar. Another factor that may help you feel more expansive is letting go of anything to which you cling too tightly. Hold lightly those things you cherish most. The cosmos encourages you to make a new start by reorganizing your kitchen.
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Energy levels could be quite high for most of the month, until December 19. Youll have the necessary stamina to handle socializing and the extra activity around holiday preparations. Make the most of these weeks to tackle and finish major projects so you can enjoy an easier schedule the rest of the month. On December 19, your ruler Mars glides into Pisces and a more secluded sector of your chart. As a result, you may feel less like getting involved and more like taking time out to reflect and meditate. This chance to recharge could do you a world of good!
Read more...Star 9/10
The days astral energy puts you right in your element, especially if you are working within an academic milieu. Love is quite intellectual at the moment, and you could well find yourself attracted to someone whose theories and insights you have long admired. If do get the chance to talk to them, they may be impressed with certain of your qualifications, too. Go for it!
Read more...Star 10/10
If you are tempted to paint a more idyllic image of yourself and your lifestyle in order to persuade another to date you, you could be making a sad mistake. The energy emanating from the planets may encourage this tendency to exaggerate, but unfortunately you will not be able to continue keeping up the lie indefinitely; after a time they are bound to discover the truth. Yet if they really are attracted to you, they wont care anyway.
Read more...Star 7/10
Dont expect things to happen overnight. Youre impatient when it comes to love, but everyone works at their own pace. When you like someone you want everything to happen right now, but your patience in the beginning of the week will pay off in the long run. Other people have their own ideas about how your love life should be, but yours is the only opinion that truly counts. Trust your gut instincts.
Read more...Star 9/10
Youre ready to get serious when Mercury enters practical Capricorn on December 2. As you shift into no-nonsense mode your texts and phone calls become more succinct. Anyone who cant take your directness should look elsewhere for romance. A fiery Sagittarius Sun trines Uranus on December 12, putting some pressure on you to change your game. If your old ways arent working, this is the perfect time to try something new. A Jupiter/Venus trine ushers in a more peaceful time for your love life on December 25. While love isnt effortless, it does get easier. The lighter the mood, the better the date.
Read more...Star 8/10
You will feel a big push from someone or something today. This force is asking you to change gears with regard to your work. Dont necessarily resist this idea. You are at a critical point in which it is beneficial for you to listen to others.
Read more...Star 10/10
You have many followers around your workplace today. People will be very open to your ideas and your role as a leader will be highly respected. Much information can be dispersed by way of your good-humored nature and fun-loving personality.
Read more...Star 7/10
Anything youre already working on is going to go well. A slow, systematic approach is best. Keep your sense of humor close to the surface. This will help in any group situation. It will also make you more attractive if youre looking for work. The cosmos can bring a powerful time when you may again feel youre part of a revolution thats out of your control.
Read more...Star 9/10
Midmonth, youll finish a report that will be well received. Your boss will appreciate the clear, concise manner in which you communicate. Dont be surprised when youre put in charge of a prestigious group on or around December 13. This will be your reward for doing an exceptional job with this assignment. You could get an impressive promotion as December draws to a close. Its possible a new title will be created just for you. Are you self-employed? Your final quarter may be so impressive that you will emerge as one of the most successful professionals in your field.
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